Army movement speed raised from 3 to 3.5.Supply from controlled enemy provinces raised from.Days until independence war initiatiors warscore starts to increase due to controlled holdings raised from 0 to 360.Days until province occupiers warscore starts to increase lowered from 720 to 180.Garrision reinforce rate lowered from 4 to 3 to simulate longer repopulation times after warsD.days between morale loss for defender lowered from 12 to 7, monthly overall loss remains the same.Maximum troops from vassals opinion lowered from 100 to 90 opinion.Minimum troops from vassals opinion raised from -20 to -10 opinion.Building cost modifier lowered from 0.5 to 0.4 Slightly cheaper to build buildings in counties.

Middle age portrait threshold moved from 30 to 40.Adult portrait threshold moved from 15 to 16.Changed maximum led factions from 2 to 1.Slightly lowered lunatic inherit chance on children from divine marriage from 0.5 to 0.4.Vassals with raised levies in non defensive situations negative opinion start moved from 61 to 90 days.Now allows wealth to be taken from landed courtiers upon banishment.Turned on option for demanding religious conversion added 250 prestige cost for the action.Changed exile prisoner piety cost from 10 to 0.

Changed Max diplomatic range modifier for same culture to match max range modifier for same group.Max High Lordships a king can hold from 2 to 1.Declaration of War on ally prestige loss from 50 to 500.Changed prestige loss from not helping defending ally from 100 to 250.Changed piety loss from attacking someone defending against opposite religion from 100 to 300.